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How To Clean Burnt Aluminum Utensils – 6 Effective Ways

We all love cooking food in our favorite set of cookware. Don’t we? But sometimes you must have to face spoiled food and burnt utensils. At that time, all you want is to remove those tough burnt stains from your most favorite utensil as soon as possible. In this article, we will discuss how to clean burnt aluminum utensils easily. Here we will tell you the most effective ways to clean burnt aluminum utensils on your own. 

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6 Effective Ways to Clean Burnt Aluminum Utensils


Vinegar is a great cleaning agent and works effectively when it comes to cleaning burnt aluminum utensils. All you have to do is to pour a sufficient amount of vinegar into the burnt utensil. Make sure you don’t add more than the necessary amount of vinegar. Now boil the vinegar into the utensil for about 10-15 min. This will soften the burnt area of the utensil. Now pour the vinegar out of the cookware and let it cool down for some time. Once the utensil cools down, gently scrub the utensil using a dishwasher and metal scrapper. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another great choice that you can use to remove black burnt marks from aluminum utensils. Firstly, you need to prepare a paste of baking soda, water, dishwashing soap, and lemon juice. Add an appropriate quantity of all the ingredients and prepare a paste. Once the paste is ready, apply the paste into the burnt utensil and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Once it softens the tough burnt areas, scrub the utensil, and clean it with water. 

Cream of Tartar

Tartar contains tartaric acid and potassium hydroxide, which act as a great cleansing agent, especially to clean the burnt aluminum utensils. All you need to do is prepare a mixture by adding two heaped tablespoons of cream of tartar and a water cup. Now you need is to boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes in that burnt aluminum utensil. Once the mixture cools down, scrub and clean the burnt utensil using regular dishwashing soap. For tougher burnt stains, wash the utensil until the burnt stains remove. 


Yes, you have read it right- wine can also help you clean your all burnt aluminum utensils. If recently you have organized a party at your home and have some leftover wine, you can use that wine to clean all the tough burnt stains from your favorite cookware. Wine works in a similar way as vinegar does to clean burnt char from utensils. It softens the thick crust of the burnt layer from the vessel so that you can scrape it off using dishwashing soap and scrubber.


Salt is a readily available effective ingredient that can be used to clean burnt stains from a vessel. All you have to do is take an adequate amount of salt on the scrubber with a little amount of dishwasher. Now clean the vessel until all the burnt marks go away. 


You can also clean burnt aluminum utensils using the outer layer of the onion. For this, first, you have to fill your burnt aluminum vessel with water. Now add 5 to 6 onion skins (outer layer of the onion) in the water, heat the whole mixture on high flame, and close the lid. Boil the mixture for 20 to 30 minutes. After that, let it cool down and clean the vessel’s surface with regular dishwashing soap and scrubber.

FAQs on How to Clean Burnt Aluminum Utensils

How to remove burnt food from non-stick pans bottom?

You can easily remove burnt food from your favorite non-stick pan bottom. All you need to do is take ½ cup vinegar and 1 ½ cups water in that burnt non-stick pan. Cook the mixture in medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool for some time. In the end, wash the pan with warm water, dishwashing soap, and a microfiber cloth. 

What is the easiest way of cleaning aluminum pans discoloration?

Cream of tartar, vinegar or lemon juice, salt 

You can recover that shiny look of your aluminum pans again. For this, you are just required to take 2 tbsp of cream of tartar, ½ cup of vinegar or lemon juice, and 1 cup of water into your aluminum pan. Let the mixture boil for 10 minutes. Now take a scrubber and a dishwashing soap. It would be better if you sprinkle a little amount of salt on your scrubber. Now gently scrub your discolored aluminum pan for 5 min. This is the easiest tip to remove yellow stains from your aluminum pan. 

How to clean burnt aluminum pots outside?

You already know that all cookware is not made from a similar kind of material. So you need to use cleansing ingredients while keeping in mind the material of the cookware. To clean burnt aluminum pots from outside, you can use a bit of salt and lemon water. Rub the outer surface until all the burnt stains remove. 

How we can remove oil stains from aluminum utensils?

Well, vinegar is one of the best cleansing agents that makes cleaning aluminum utensils so easy. Similarly, a vinegar and water mixture is all that you need to require to remove oil stains from aluminum utensils. Prepare the mixture of water and vinegar in a 2: 1 ratio and soak the greasy utensils into it for 5-10 min. After that, pour out the mixture from the utensil and wipe the grease using dishwashing soap and a scrubber.

Final Thoughts

Through this article, we have tried our best to provide you as much detailed information as possible. We hope now you must know how to clean burnt aluminum utensils and save your favorite cookware from tough dark burnt stains. Further, we also have tried answering some questions that you may need to know if you mostly have to deal with aluminum utensils.

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